
Aberdeen Riding Club believes that horse riding should be accessible to all and that we should, where possible, assist in the local community. Our success and growth over the last fifteen years reflects the fact that our unique set up and way of “giving something back” to the community is appreciated and enjoyed by everyone that has lessons with us.


Aberdeen Riding Club believes that horse riding should be accessible to all and that we should, where possible, assist in the local community. Our success and growth over the last fifteen years reflects the fact that our unique set up and way of “giving something back” to the community is appreciated and enjoyed by everyone that has lessons with us.

ARC Hippotherapy

It costs between £8 and £12 per hour to provide a horse for Hippotherapy. That horse has to be shod, fed, groomed and have good quality leather tack, have a stable and a field. The Hippotherapy group also need an indoor school and outdoor, off-road riding for their riding sessions. Hippotherapy is a form of physiotherapy on horseback and the ARC Hippotherapy group provides a much needed service for disabled riders in Aberdeen. We provide 6 horses to ARC Hippotherapy each week (Ben, Freddie, Holly, JR, Murphy and Twiggy) with no charge and also charge no arena hire. This is why we don’t offer private lessons on a Friday morning at this arena time is donated to ARC Hippotherapy. We have also done fundraising for the HIppotherapy group and Aberdeen RDA, raising over £2000 through our August show and sponsorship (2013).


We are pleased to be able to provide free riding for all children who attend through the Befriend-A-Child charity. Befrienders who would like to attend riding with their befriendee should contact us by email and we can arrange a time for them.

This is a lovely activity for the befrienders and their children to take part in, as the befriender can walk along on foot with the child, ensuring the child feels confident and enjoys the session.


We are pleased to be able to provide free riding for all children who attend through the Befriend-A-Child charity. Befrienders who would like to attend riding with their befriendee should contact us by email and we can arrange a time for them.

This is a lovely activity for the befrienders and their children to take part in, as the befriender can walk along on foot with the child, ensuring the child feels confident and enjoys the session.

Looked after children

Aberdeen Riding Club is pleased to offer free riding lessons to children referred through Sport Aberdeen’s Looked After Children scheme. ARC currently provides riding lessons for a growing number of children following referrals from the Sport Aberdeen charity.

Changing Lives through horses

Changing Lives Through Horses is a programme introduced by the BHS and its aim is to improve the lives of young people who, for various reasons, are disengaged and at risk of becoming excluded from school. Aberdeen Riding Club is thrilled to be the first Scottish riding centre to begin running the programme to benefit young people in the area. The programme is designed to help young people develop skills required for further education, training and employment by providing an alternative environment for education.

Changing Lives through horses

Changing Lives Through Horses is a programme introduced by the BHS and its aim is to improve the lives of young people who, for various reasons, are disengaged and at risk of becoming excluded from school. Aberdeen Riding Club is thrilled to be the first Scottish riding centre to begin running the programme to benefit young people in the area. The programme is designed to help young people develop skills required for further education, training and employment by providing an alternative environment for education.

Anne-Balfour Kinnear award

We were delighted in 2013 to begin sponsoring this award which is aimed at young instructors in Scotland. Aberdeen Riding Club believes that the equine industry needs to invest in young people and promote their training and development and this was an excellent way of doing so.

Real Heroes

We were delighted to hear in Spring 2014 that Sid, one of our riding school horses, had been nominated by Aberdeen RDA group for a Real Hero award on the STV programme “Finding Scotland’s Real Heroes”. Sid had been nominated in the “Animal Hero” category for his work with RDA. We were all very proud of Sid and his nomination and the Club and its members were delighted when Sid was announced as Animal Hero of the Year 2014.

Real Heroes Award

We were delighted to hear in Spring 2014 that Sid, one of our riding school horses, had been nominated by Aberdeen RDA group for a Real Hero award on the STV programme “Finding Scotland’s Real Heroes”. Sid had been nominated in the “Animal Hero” category for his work with RDA. We were all very proud of Sid and his nomination and the Club and its members were delighted when Sid was announced as Animal Hero of the Year 2014.


We are also happy to work with any other local charity by providing riding for their service users.

In 2013, we provided free riding for an Aberdeenshire Council residential young people’s home and an autism charity.

If any local charity would like to have a chat with us about what we might be able to offer, they should contact us.

Raffle Prizes -

We are also delighted to be able to help with local fundraisers in the community. To date, we have provided over £5000 of lessons as raffle prizes and donations to PTA school fundraisers, local charities and galas. If anyone would like to request a prize/donation, please contact us.

We strive to put something back into the community and make riding more accessible to all. However, we don’t advertise or publicise the charity work that we do other than on this website, as we don’t wish to benefit from publicity with regard to our charity work. Therefore, if you know of a charity or group who would benefit, please advise them to get in touch with us.

Raffle Prizes - Donations

We are also delighted to be able to help with local fundraisers in the community. To date, we have provided over £5000 of lessons as raffle prizes and donations to PTA school fundraisers, local charities and galas. If anyone would like to request a prize/donation, please contact us.

We strive to put something back into the community and make riding more accessible to all. However, we don’t advertise or publicise the charity work that we do other than on this website, as we don’t wish to benefit from publicity with regard to our charity work. Therefore, if you know of a charity or group who would benefit, please advise them to get in touch with us.

Cash for kids

In 2013, we donated 30 lesson vouchers to the Northsound One, Cash for Kids appeal.
Logo of the Aberdeen Riding Club featuring a stylized horse and rider above the club name

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a white colored Aberdeen City Council image logo
Logo of The British Horse Society Approved Training Centre on a red background
Logo of The British Horse Society for an Approved Riding School, red background with white text
Logo of The British Horse Society with text "Approved Livery Yard" on a red background
a white and dark gray colored RDA AM image Logo
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