December Newsletter

Hi Everyone!

This is Mario – the new pony who arrived from the RSPCA last week. Delilah (the wee chestnut mare) who arrived with Seth was recalled back to the RSPCA as something in her case changed – so she will go back to the RSPCA and stay with them for a bit then be moved onto a private home. To be fair, Delilah was super easy, well handled and didn’t have any issues so it is probably best that she goes onto a private home as we can take one with a bit more issues. So step forward Mario, who is a 2 year old, rather unhandled pony who is pretty terrified of anyone going near his head which makes teaching him to catch and lead a bit tricky! Mario has landed on his feet though as he has already stolen the boss lady’s heart, so we’re fairly sure he’ll have his feet under the table and be running the yard soon! Mario is currently living in as we are letting him loose in the indoor/sand pen to make sure we can catch him before he goes out into the big field – he is over in a stable on the livery side, so riding school members are welcome to go and see him, but please remember the following guidelines with a 2 year old:

  • Mario is head shy, so he may not come to the stable door to see you. If he does, don’t immediately put your hand out as he’ll be wary of that – let him approach you and have a sniff of you, then gently put your hand out and eventually he’ll let you give him a pat. 
  • Please don’t ever feed Mario a treat – firstly he doesn’t know what they are and secondly it’s very important that 2 year olds don’t learn to nip.
  • Remember he is a 2 year old – he is like a half tonne toddler who doesn’t know his boundaries yet. 2 year olds are constantly learning about their environment and part of this is investigating stuff with their teeth. Mario doesn’t realise yet that it’s not nice to try to chew people, so avoid putting yourself in that position until we teach him gently what good manners are. 


Oh its nearly time! Oh no it’s not! Oh yes it is! The panto is on Friday 20th December and starts at 6.30p.m! We have a limited number of tickets left in reception and once they are sold out they are sold out as we only have limited seating room so there is room for the actors and horses! 

This years panto is “Strictly come Prancing” so we have some amazing prancers, some hilarious judges, some super mean judges and a pair of glamorous presenters! The panto will last around 1.5 hours and will include a raffle at the start – it’s a great night out for all the family – it’s not horsey specific so non-riding family members will enjoy it too! Tickets cost: 

Family – £15 (up to 2 adults and 2 children)

Adult – £8

Junior – £5


As normal the riding school will be closed on 24th, 25th and 26th December and the 31st December and 1st and 2nd January. We go onto “skeleton lessons” from 21st December – 3rd January inclusive. This means that on the days we are open, we run lessons, but to a limited timetable so your standard lesson may be on a different day/time those weeks. This is to make sure that all our staff can have some extra days off as they’ve worked hard all year. Our senior staff (Sally/Martin/Laura) all cover one day each over Xmas Day/Boxing Day e.t.c. so our hairy pals can all be checked/fed e.t.c. but its quite nice to come up to the yard on the “closed” days and just do the ponies! 


Thinking ahead to nicer weather! The Easter stable management dates will be: 

6th April – 9th April inclusive – beginner stable management

13th – 16th April inclusive – Novice stable management. Stable management costs £165 for the four day course which includes a riding lesson each day, supervised grooming, course notes and lectures. The beginner course is suitable for any rider who is 5 years and older and hasn’t done much stable management (they can also be beginner standard riding) and the novice course is suitable for children who have completed beginner stable management and are cantering in their lessons. 

If you would like to book a space on either course, we take a £50 deposit on booking and the bookings will open on 20th January at 10.00a.m You can either come in person to book or give us a call but best to get in touch the day bookings open if you want a specific pony!


We’ve definitely been busy buying ponies lately for our younger members! Having bought Gizmo and Teddy we then really pushed the boat out and bought Brewster, who is a lovely livery pony who has been at ARC for a few years with two different families. Brewster is a real school master – he has won Pony Club regional dressage and eventing and regularly goes out to compete at local SJ shows. Brewster will still get to go out and compete as we have asked that his young riders (Nathaniel and Abigal) still compete him as it is nice for him to have a bit of variety. Brewster currently lives over on the livery side of the shed as he is going to stay in an “indoor” routine with day turnout rather than joining the school boys so your coach will help you find him if you are lucky enough to have him in your lesson! 


The challenge awards sessions have been really successful so far both with adults and kids! We are going to have a break in December from them as everyone gets so busy with Xmas stuff and we’ll advertise the topics for January when we restart them on Facebook soon! If you would like to make 2020 the year that you learn more about stable management and how to care for horses, then all you need to do is sign up to the BHS online as a silver or gold member and then let us know your membership number when you book into the sessions. Sessions cost £15 for the hour, which includes your course notes and certificates and badges when you complete it. 

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